If you need to update or delete an event, or if you have a question about an event you’ve submitted, please email afletcher-fierro@pittstate.edu. It’s helpful if you give us the name and date of the event, and if possible, include the URL of your calendar listing, as well.
KRPS Calendar Submission Guidelines
All event submissions (including new venues and presenting organizations) will be reviewed for appropriate content. If approved, they will be posted within 48 hours of submission. So please be patient - if your event, new venue or presenting organization does not appear on the Calendar right away, please do not re-submit it.
When entering the event description, if you’re cutting and pasting, please do so from a Word document or Notepad and clear the formatting. If you cut and paste from a website directly into the calendar, the formatting will be compromised.
Please look at the list of existing venues before you enter a new venue. You can do that by clicking the magnifying glass icon under Venues. The same goes for presenting organizations.
If your event is ticketed, select “Custom” under “Pricing” and enter the ticket price. You can use this text box to enter multiple ticket prices, or include a note (“see website for schedule”). Here’s what to do if your event has multiple days and different time frames (example: shows at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.):
1) Select "repeats weekly".
2) Enter the dates.
3) Indicate the interval (every number of weeks; most have 1 interval).
4) Select the first day, start time and end time.
5) Hit the red + sign over to the right and then enter subsequent days and time frames.
Please note: any information entered in the “Additional Pricing Information” field will not appear on the event listing.