Each year, volunteers venture out nationwide on a single night for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s point-in-time count in an effort to tally the country’s homeless population. Rural volunteers say they rely on the count to aid their unhoused populations. Meanwhile, experts say HUD may be undercounting.
The count provides a snapshot of how many individuals are experiencing homelessness on a given winter night.
Organizations in Missouri will receive over $57 million in federal funding for homelessness assistance, according to a news release from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
According to City Attorney Peter Edwards the land will be available to acquire after it goes through Joplin’s surplus property protocol.
1201. S Byers, the land that Vita Nova Village wants to construct its tiny housing community was up for sale in April at a Jasper County Sheriff’s auction, however, no one bought it and therefore the city of Joplin took ownership of it.
According to the National Homeless Coalition each individual who is homeless costs a community 35,000 per year. These costs are primarily associated with police involvement, incarceration, emergency room, and hospital visits. Housing twenty individuals can save our community over $700,000 annually.
The 42 slide presentation outlines possible outcomes from Charity’s recommendations, in addition to work the non-profit urges the city to follow through on to improve homelessness in Joplin in the upcoming three months.